Sunday, September 29, 2013

Community Ashtanga Practice Begins Tomorrow, 9/30!

Namaste yogis! 

We are thrilled to announce that, beginning tomorrow, YAY will be adding a new class and instructor to our regular schedule!  We are so excited to welcome Gabe Audu to our team--feel free to check out his bio on our team page. Gabe will be leading a Community Ashtanga Practice from 5:00-6:00 p.m.  Details are posted under "class descriptions."

See you on the mat! 

--the YAY team   

Monday, September 16, 2013

Ashtanga Cancelled

Namaste and happy Monday! 

Unfortunately, after reassessing his commitments for the year, Matt has decided not to teach with YAY for the fall semester.  As a result, Monday's ashtanga class is cancelled indefinitely.  We apologize for the last minute change, and are working on finding a class to take the Monday evening spot.  If you have any suggestions, or if you are interested in joining our teaching team, please email Corinne at  

Thank you all for your understanding!  We hope to have all schedule difficulties worked out by the end of the week.  

See you on the mat! 

--the YAY team

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fall Schedule Starts TUESDAY!

Namaste yogis!

We are so excited to announce our new schedule for the fall semester!  Classes will begin on Tuesday, September 10th, as Matt has a final this Monday and will not be able to teach until next week.  All of our classes are free and open to undergrads, grads, and faculty!  Classes are open level, so don't be afraid to try something new!  For more information on the classes we will be offering this semester, please see our "class descriptions" page.

Fall 2013 Schedule:

5:00-6:30: Ashtanga with Matt 

5:15-6:30: Hatha Yoga with Reyna

5:00-6:30: Power Yoga with Corinne 

5:00-6:00: Vinyasa Flow with Emma 

See you Tuesday on the mat!  

--the YAY team 

Friday, September 6, 2013

Fall Class Schedule Coming Soon!

Namaste yogis!  Welcome Back!

Now that shopping period has (almost) come to an end, we are nailing down our classes for the fall semester.  We will be announcing our new schedule sometime this weekend and introducing some wonderful new instructors to the teaching team.

Classes will begin next Monday, September 9th.  As always, all classes will take place in the Berkeley Multipurpose Room.

If you are interested in joining our teaching team, please email YAY's new president, Corinne, at

Have a beautiful weekend, and we'll see you next week on the mat!

--the YAY team