Guest practice with teacher and author Cara
Tuesday, April 19
4:00 – 5:00 PM
Slifka Center
Yogis at Yale is
excited to host Cara Bradley, author of On The Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and
Shine, for an all-level vinyasa
yoga and meditation practice. Join Cara next Tuesday at 4:00 PM to discover how
breath and movement can help you step beyond your “crazy busy” life and access
your natural clarity and vitality.
Cara will also be at the Yale Bookstore on April 19 at 7:00 PM for
a book
Cara Bradley is the founder of the award winning Verge Yoga Center near Philadelphia and the co-founder of the non-profit
Mindfulness Through Movement, which provides programs to schools in
Philadelphia. She is a mental strength coach to college sports teams including
Villanova University Football and Basketball and has presented programs at Yale
in the past. Her book, On The Verge: Wake Up, Show Up, and Shine (New
World Library) was released in March 2016. For more information, visit
“On the Verge
is a must-read for anyone who is passionate about peak performance at
work, home, and play.”
(Jay Wright, head coach of Villanova
University men’s basketball)
“If you are ready
to make changes to your relationship with yourself, this book will be a steady
guide for the hard work ahead. This isn’t about making you into something
you’re not. It’s about showing up and fully experiencing what and who you
already are.”
(Congressman Tim Ryan (D-OH), author, A
Mindful Nation)
Saturday, April 5th
2:00 p.m.
This Saturday, Yogis at Yale will be participating in a collaboration with YMindful, Yale's on-campus meditation group! Join us in the JE dance room for a 35 minute yoga practice taught by YAY's president, Corinne, followed by a 10 minute mini meditation session led by YMindful reps. We will follow up our meditation with a brief discussion on the benefits and similarities of yoga and meditation practices!
YAY for Reading Week!
unwind and kick off your study session with good music and an invigorating,
restorative flow!
December 9th from 3:15 p.m.
Multipurpose Room
will be giving away lots of de-stress goodies,
so stop by and pick up a package to help get you through exams!
In the past...

Yogis at Yale will be leading a week-long retreat to an amazing yoga studio in Costa Rica this summer!
Join us for a week of incredible yoga, designed to deepen and expand your practice whether you are a beginner or advanced practitioner. We will also spend time hiking, surfing, horseback-riding, and of course relaxing! It's the perfect way to end your summer and start the new year (or your new life if you're graduating!)
Dates are not finalized, but will be sometime in mid-August after internships have finished up but before school starts again. Costs will be between $1,500 and $2,000 depending on airfare.
Contact to be put on the list of interested participants and to receive more information about the trip.
DJ HyFi will be taking us on a journey across a sonic landscape of groovin' beats and lush atmospherics. In his mixes, DJ HyFi focuses on creating soundscapes that infuse yoga practice with a dose of ecstatic bliss and carry practitioners to a deeper place as they ride the sonic wave. He will be at both the Wednesday Empower Class AND the Wednesday Candelight class, so don't miss out! Bring all your friends, this is sure to be an awesome experience.
Ian Hyman (DJ Hyfi) is a Boston based DJ who has taken his art into the yoga studio to create a deep fusion of sound and movement. Spending most of his time on the road spinning for yoga classes, workshops and events around the nation, he strives to create a fresh experience for people who love yoga and the movement arts. Ian's DJ mixes are infused with a wide range of soulful, blissed-out electronic music.
“Ian’s got his finger on the pulse of what will move the energy of the group in an authentic way to an ecstatic experience!” -Wah!