Thursday, October 14, 2010

Playlist from Tuesday 10/12

Hi all! In response to popular demand, here is one of my yoga playlists (I played it this past Tuesday). Maybe in the future, I'll be tech-savvy enough to find a way to upload actual music files for you to download, but for now I thought I'd at least give you the list of titles. If any of you have specific music requests, I always welcome it - shoot me an email or comment on this post!

1 comment:

  1. hey! you played this one song last tuesday or wednesday (10/19 or 10/20) and it sort of sounded like sean kingston or iyaz's voice. and i'm not sure of the lyrics but the chorus kinda sounded like "she's into meee, she's into meee, i knowww" or "give into meee, give into meee, i knowww". sorry. maybe you know what i'm talking about?
