Hey yogis -
Join us and STEP at Greenfest this Sunday, October 16 on Old Campus for a free outdoor yoga class from 12:30-1:30. We'll be teaching a mixed level class, under the sun, to live music and great company. BYOMat if possible, but we will have a limited number available.
Stick around after for free food, kettle corn, Eli Exchange clothing swap, raffles, games, live music, and more. Check out the Greenfest Facebook event or Yale's STEP website for more info!
See you on the mat (and in the sun!)
~ the YAY team
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Fall 2011 Schedule!
Monday 5:00 - 6:15 Mixed Level Vinyasa Cristina
Tuesday 5:00 - 6:15 Mixed Level Vinyasa Katherine
Wednesday 5:00 - 6:15 Mixed Level Ashtanga Mia
All classes are held in the Berkeley Multipurpose Room (BK South court, below the dining hall, down the stairs on your right) and will begin September 12th.
New to Yoga? Arrive five minutes early and let the teacher know, so we can do our best to get you started out on the right foot!
We encourage you to BYOM (bring your own mat) if you own one. If you don't, not to fret, we have a limited number of mats available to borrow, as well as props.
See you on the mat!
Sunday, September 4, 2011
New mailing list!
Thanks to all 160+ of you who stopped by our table at the bazaar today! For those of you who missed us and would like to receive email notifications about our schedule, workshops, or events, please subscribe to YAY at www.yale.edu/subscribe/student-orgs under "Cultural." We will be sending out our schedule within the next couple days. See you on the mat starting September 12th!
~the YAY team
~the YAY team
Friday, September 2, 2011
Welcome back!
Welcome back Yale! We are in the process of finalizing the class schedule for this year, which will begin the week of September 12th. Catch us at the fair this Sunday and stay tuned for more details!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Secure your spot in Costa Rica now!
Sign up at http://www.yogasherpa.com/sigman.
See you on the mat...IN COSTA RICA!!
See you on the mat...IN COSTA RICA!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
New low price for students on Costa Rica Yoga Retreat!
Now, you can get your yoga retreat on for just $1395! We worked hard to get the price down so as many people as possible could join us on this amazing, once-in-a-lifetime adventure.
You can get up to $200 off if you refer up to 4 friends! $50 per friend you refer, so your all-inclusive trip could cost just $1195. Deepen your practice, go on incredible adventures, and take a chance! You only live once, make it count!
email emily.sigman@yale.edu ASAP for details on how to sign up!
See you on the mat...in COSTA RICA!!

You can get up to $200 off if you refer up to 4 friends! $50 per friend you refer, so your all-inclusive trip could cost just $1195. Deepen your practice, go on incredible adventures, and take a chance! You only live once, make it count!
email emily.sigman@yale.edu ASAP for details on how to sign up!
See you on the mat...in COSTA RICA!!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Meditation now offered nightly in Battell Chapel!
Instead of meditation in the noisy multipurpose room, please join us for meditation EVERY NIGHT in Battell Chapel, come in anytime between 10 PM and 2 AM
Flier for Stillness and Light produced below, also check outhttp://www.yale.edu/indigoblue/cl/ibSL2010.pdf to see the text more clearly.
Flier for Stillness and Light produced below, also check outhttp://www.yale.edu/indigoblue/cl/ibSL2010.pdf to see the text more clearly.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Learn Israeli Martial Arts from Instructor to the Special Forces, Krav Maga
1 Day, 2.5 Hour Session at Yale
RSVP now: https://spreadsheets.google. com/viewform?formkey= dDBuV1Z6UDh3WFpReDNydWtVLXd6OW c6MQ
1 Day, 2.5 Hour Session at Yale
RSVP now: https://spreadsheets.google.
Krav Maga is the martial art form developed in Israel, and it is known to be one of the most useful martial arts in real life defense situations. Sharir Richman, an expert Krav Maga instructor, will be coming to Yale to teach basic Krav Maga skills over a 2.5 hour period.
After completing many covert missions with the Israeli Defense Forces and studying Krav Maga for many years, Mr. Richman became a Krav Maga instructor and has trained Israeli Special Forces, the Israeli Prime Minister’s Protection Unit, American Private Security Forces, and others. He will be coming to Yale to teach an interactive session that will incorporate basic Krav Maga techniques (no experience necessary) as well as principles behind Krav Maga.
The 1-time session will be held approximately 1 month from today, on Sunday, February 27 from 1-3:30. Everybody is very warmly welcomed to participate (regardless of your experience with martial arts, political views, etc.) The event is free of charge.
Very Important: We expect this event to be in high demand.
Please fill out this RSVP form today to reserve your place now:
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Looking to deepen your knowledge of a yoga practice?
Ever wondered why Chaturanga looks so easy but feels so hard? Or whether your alignment is right in downward facing dog? Or why yogis seem to spend so much time in these poses in the first place?
Come join Yogis at Yale this Saturday, February 12th from 10:30-12 am for the first of a series of hands-on workshops designed to deepen your personal yoga practice. Whether you have recently discovered yoga or are a full-time yoga addict, yogis Cristina and Katherine will lead you through the most fundamental sequence of yoga, teaching all those nitty-gritty details fun to master but so easy to miss.
Please RSVP to Cristina at cristina.poindexter@yale.edu by this Friday, February 11th to reserve a spot. Space is limited in order to ensure as much personal attention as all you enthusiastic yogis deserve. 6 months of yoga experience recommended, but not required. See you on the mat!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Yogis at Yale Retreat in Costa Rica this summer!

Yogis at Yale will be leading a week-long retreat to an amazing yoga studio in Costa Rica this summer!
Join us for a week of incredible yoga, designed to deepen and expand your practice whether you are a beginner or advanced practitioner. We will also spend time hiking, surfing, horseback-riding, and of course relaxing! It's the perfect way to end your summer and start the new year (or your new life if you're graduating!)
Dates are not finalized, but will be sometime in mid-August after internships have finished up but before school starts again. Costs will be between $1,500 and $2,000 depending on airfare.
Contact emily.sigman@yale.edu to be put on the list of interested participants and to receive more information about the trip.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Late Evening classes will begin 1/31
Our late evening meditation classes and candlelight class will not meet until next week due to space constrictions. We will notify you once those classes are up and running. Enjoy our many other classes offered this week!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Reminder: No Candlelight Class tonight 1/19
Due to a room conflict, we are rearranging some of the evening meditation and candlelight classes. We'll keep you posted on updates!
There is, however, an awesome yoga party! Check out our facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Yogis-at-Yale/141088655940691?v=wall for more details.
There is, however, an awesome yoga party! Check out our facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Yogis-at-Yale/141088655940691?v=wall for more details.
Monday, January 17, 2011
New Yoga!
Classes will start TUESDAY, JAN 17TH not Monday
Monday 5:00 - 6:15 pm Mixed Vinyasa with Vidya**
9:00 - 9:30 pm Intro Meditation with Emily
Tuesday 5:15 - 6:15 pm Beginner Yoga with Katherine
9:00 - 9:30 pm Meditation with Steve
Wednesday 5:00 - 6:15 pm Mixed Vinyasa with Cristina
9:00 - 10:00 pm Candlelight Yoga with Emily
Thursday 5:00 - 6:15 pm Mixed Vinyasa with Hilary
Friday 5:00 - 6:15 pm Power Vinyasa with Katherine
Sunday 4:00 - 5:15 pm Gentle Vinyasa with Cristina
**starts Jan 24th
Monday, January 10, 2011
New Schedule for Spring 2011 will be posted at the end of shopping period
We may be offering some classes in the next two weeks, if so we will post them here, on our facebook page, and send out emails to the panlist.
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